No Sex on Thursday: My Mom and I Watched Them Pick the Wrong House on House Hunters International And Then I Went to Bed at 9PM

By Miley Mortgage I know you sexually frustrated quarintiners probably want me to tell you some empowering story about me letting go of my insecurities while getting my pussy stuffed by three strangers in the clocktower. Maybe you’d like to read a feel-good tale of how I finally taught Jake the difference between the urethra…

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Doing Her Part: Student Who Doesn’t Want Biden To Be Nominee Almost Gets Around To Requesting Absentee Ballot

While some students may not care enough to engage in politics, Maya Pappas ’21 decided to fight for the country’s future by thinking about looking up how to get an absentee ballot sent to Ithaca. “I’m no hero,” said the champion of democracy. “It’s just so obvious to me that Biden’s visibly deteriorating mental state…

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Is There Too Much Political Correctness on College Campuses, and Has Anyone Seen My Lost Dog?

The college campus was once a place where students, academics, and all great thinkers were free to share new ideas. The knowledge, technology, and advancements born from a university’s exchange of ideas saw no limits. But is political correctness now inhibiting the creative potential of universities? And has anyone seen Max, my missing cocker spaniel?…

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