UncategorizedQuiz: Are You Qualified to Write an Op-Ed for the Daily Sun? Nooz Staff6 years ago6 years ago01 mins Photo credit (obviously) to the Cornell Daily Sun. 1. Do you belong to any minority groups? Yes, I am a woman/a person of color/student in ILR, etc. This is only important depending on the topic Yes, I am a conservative on a predominantly liberal campus 2. What are your political beliefs? WOOO YEAH Bernie 2020 and AOC! Socialism now, socialism forever! Both sides have equally valid points. There’s gotta be a middle ground somewhere around here, right? Right?!?! Jordan Peterson, Ronald Reagan, and George Wallace are some of my personal heroes 3. Do you vomit opinions about things nobody actually cares about on a daily basis? I usually assume everyone agrees with me politically, but I’m open to a few yelling matches here and there. Yes, but only controversial ones for the sake of being scandalous. Yes, and I bravely believe that totalitarianism is bad. 4. How do you think your articles will be received? Fairly well. I try to be reasonable and understand that people can disagree with me I will be the lone reasonable voice of superior intellect in a sea of stupidity and ignorance, and will vigorously defend the liberal assaults on my take in the comments section. I’m pretty sure my mom will like them on Facebook 5. Why should people listen to what you write? Because I’m always right Because people I disagree with are always wrong Now where did I put that middle ground again? It’s gotta be around here somewhere. 6. How will you contribute to The Discourse™? I will try to be as inflammatory as possible. I sustain myself off of the anger of others I hope I can start good conversations in the market of ideas While I tolerate most opinions, some people are just stupid 7. Who are your favorite political figures in history? Karl Marx and Eugene V. Debs Joe Biden and William Henry Harrison Jordan Peterson, Dick Cheney and Vladimir Putin 8. Which of the following takes sounds like a good idea to physically print and distribute to thousands of students? Microbes didn’t care about climate change so neither should you If it wasn’t for wealthy Cornellians, you’d be dead already Student Assembly is forgetting one thing in the free printing debate: Venezuela None of the above. Loading … Like This! Post navigation Previous: Champagne and Shackles Not Kinky Enough? Try These Alternative Date Nights:Next: Inspiring: This Freshman Signed Up For a Class With None of the Prereqs and Now He’s Fucked
I LIVED IT: I Swiped Up On Spotify While Clearing My Apps and Had To Live With The Unbearable Pain of My Unadulterated Thoughts for 5 Seconds Nooz Staff2 years ago2 years ago 0
Ah Shit: Weird Roommate Staring At You While Brushing Their Teeth Again Nooz Staff2 years ago2 years ago 0
“I Love Your Style!” and Twenty-Five Other Compliments to Give Your Friend Who Made Spitting Noises for Thirty Minutes at Their A Cappella Concert Nooz Staff2 years ago2 years ago 0
Godspeed, Loyal Friend! Most Steadfast Donkey Collapses on Arduous Journey Up College Ave Nooz Staff2 years ago2 years ago 0