I’m looking for a responsible, clean, quiet tenant to live in my one-bedroom cardboard box for the summer of 2017. The box is fully furnished with Daily Sun newspapers, quarter cards, and rocks from nearby Cascadilla gorge. While the box has no bathroom, kitchen, electricity, or space to fit most things besides your body curled in a fetal position, it does have a great location: on the corner of Elmwood and Dryden, only a five-minute walk to campus! The landlord is also great and very attentive; I frequently see her sniffing around the nearby dumpster and can always ask her to fix small problems in the box before she takes food back to her raccoon family. I’m paying $750/month in rent for the school year, but you can have this relatively cheap housing option for just $650/month this summer! You won’t find anything cheaper in Collegetown!
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